Orange Sale – Terre des hommes


Oranges for treating children

Too many children worldwide have no access to medical care and die from harmless diseases. Terre des hommes is committed to ensuring that the capacity of health systems will be strengthened in developing countries in order to improve the treatment of children. In more severe cases, we offer the opportunity for children to be operated in hospitals in Switzerland.

To help these children in need, the next edition of the traditional orange sale of Terre des hommes take place on Friday 11 and Saturday 12th of March 2016 in all over Switzerland. During two days, more than 1,500 volunteers and ambassadors are committed to our mission and offers oranges against a donation.

All help counts, whether you come for three or four hours, or for the whole day. Fill in theonline form giving the date, time and place where you can help. Your local volunteer group will then contact you about the next step.

Help that bears fruit!

Through the presence and dedication of volunteers at the points of sale, Terre des hommes managed to collect almost CHF 800,000 in 2015. With this, Terre des hommes financed itshealth programs in more than 15 countries.

The traditional orange sale, which Terre des hommes has been organizing for over 50 years, gives passers-by the opportunity to donate 3 Swiss francs for an orange, thus taking the first step towards curing a child’s illness.

Examples of what Terre des hommes can finance through the sale of oranges:
• one orange @ CHF 3: one medical examination
• three oranges @ CHF 9: safe drinking water for two weeks
• five oranges @ CHF 15: five balanced meals
• ten oranges @ CHF 30: two weeks’ hospital treatment

Read more about the orange sale.

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