Online shopping scams hit western Switzerland

source: Swiss info

Fraudsters in western Switzerland are hijacking people’s addresses to get their hands on goods they haven’t paid for. (RTS,

The thieves order items online, opting to receive an invoice rather than paying up front. Through tracking information published by suppliers, they are able to find out the time of delivery and intercept the package at the designated address. The genuine resident, unaware that their address has been misused, later receives a bill for goods they have neither ordered nor received.

Elisabeth Schüller is a victim of such a scam. She received bills totalling hundreds of francs for items such as a helmet, clothes and perfumes that she had not selected. The only way to avoid having to foot the bill is to report the theft to the police.

The Romandie Consumers’ Federation would like extra security measures built into postal orders, such as requiring the recipient’s phone number, to ensure that scams like this become a thing of the past.

Internship for this summer

Are looking for a #internship this summer? Last open places for students in our program Summerpreneurship. Check out the over 25 great #startups who are waiting for you ( Apply now here: The application closes 10 April midnight! 📣📣📣

“Lola, Trixi and the Stars” an opera for children” on 6th of May

“Lola, Trixi and the Stars” an opera for children, written by Francisco Obieta. The children’s opera will be performed by the orchestra of the University of St. Gallen together with singing students from the State Conservatory in Feldkirch and the director Christian Hettkamp.


The opera is about Lola, who has received a new glittering dress. The dress sparkles like diamonds, almost like the stars in the night sky. But for Lola, the glitter is not enough and she wants to steal the stars from the sky for her dress. With the help of the magical ladder, it is possible to pick the stars from the sky for the two friends. Only later does she notice that the stars are only beautiful when they are there for everyone.

The performance is free for children.

Students CHF 5.- / adults CHF 10.-

Duration 1 hour

Link to more info