Eye Contact Experiment in St Gallen on 20th September

We are like islands in the sea, seperate on the surface, but connected in the deep“ (William James)

We live in a society, where the differences between human beings are accentuated. But the truth is, that we all are the same, human beings with the wish to be happy and in connection to others. We are one unity.

Exactely this is the idea of the Eye Contact Experiment:

It is about exploring, experiencing and showing human connection while sharing one minute of eye contact with strangers in our city.

The Event is part of the „World’s biggest eye contact Experiment 2018 global event.

In the week of the international day of peace tenthousends of people in more than 300 cities all over the world do this experiment. For the second time also St .Gallen is part of this movement. Be there, be part of this experiment and statement!

Have a look at the official Video of the initiators “The Liberators International” and the event in St. Gallen in 2017:



What do you need for participation?

Courage, curiosity and something to sit on for you (and to invite someone to share 1 minute of eye contact)… e.g. blanket, cushion, chair…

Location of the Event?

citylounge/red place or citypark. In case of Rain at Macelleria D’ Arte at the red place. Mark this event with „participate or interested“ and you will be informed automatically by FB.


Its for free. There will be a Box to support us with covering our expenses (approval of police for the event etc.). Thanks.

What time?

Event starts at 18.00 and will finish at 20.30. No matter what time you come and how long you stay.

What you can do to help us:

– Be there and be part oft he experiment

– Tell and invite friends and familiy. share event on Facebook (#Eyecontactexperiment #St.Gallen)

– We still need some volunteers to organise the event. If you are interested. Send Email to: doerig@mindfulmind.ch


Event St. Gallen hosted by @ MINDFULMIND http://www.mindfulmind.ch

Global Event hosted by @ The Liberators International


More information:


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