You can travel in Switzerland for a whole day for CHF 75 with the Day Pass for 2.

Inexpensive travel throughout Switzerland with another person.

You can travel in Switzerland for a whole day for CHF 75 with the Day Pass for 2. This makes it just CHF 37.50 per person. Enjoy this offer from 17 September to 28 October 2018. Travelling around Switzerland with another person is now even more fun.

With the Day Pass for 2, you can discover Switzerland by train, boat, postbus, tram or bus. The two of you can travel together throughout Switzerland for a whole day for CHF 75. That makes it just CHF 37.50 per person per day: discovering Switzerland as a twosome has hardly ever been so cheap. A first-class Day Pass for 2 is also available for CHF 127. To take advantage of this offer, one person in your twosome must have a valid Half-Fare travelcard. Enter a day of your choice and you can be on your way.

Umwelt Arena

Rainy Days are here and although we want to curl up with a good book, we all know the grey skies and chilly weather won’t stop our little mini me from saying “where to momma??” as they hop, skip and bounce around the house with energy we only dream of having!

Umwelt Arena is highly recommend as a family fun day out.  You can easily spend 3 – 4 hours learning, playing and (most importantly) escaping the inevitable cold weather.

The Umwelt Arena

The Umwelt Arena is a family-friendly adventure teaching real-life sustainability lessons through fun, interactive programming. It focuses on the areas of nature and life, energy and mobility, construction and modernization and renewable energy.

To give all these big people “problems” a twist of little people fun, the Museum provides children with a clipboard, pen and checklist directing them towards kid friendly stations marked by an oversized green & orange numbered display stand and educational question, giving it a bit of a scavenger hunt feel.

The various stations offer educational, interactive displays with the intent to teach through play. Siblings can challenge one another to an energy-producing bike race, direct solar cars around a mini track and hop in & out of e-cars.

Descriptions are in German, but there’s some English narrated tutorials and most staff speak English so definitely don’t be shy to ask for an explanation.

Social Fabric- jeans needed

We need constantly more jeans for our backpack and handbag production at Social Fabric! Do you have some old (blue, adult size, washed) jeans you would like to donate? Please, drop (or mail) them at Social Fabric (Eichstrasse 29, 8045 Zürich; next to the Bahnhof Zürich Binz, 3. floor) during these times: Mondays to Thursdays 9–21. Thank you!

The jeans will be used for these backpacks: – made in Zurich by refugees employed in Social Fabric.