Children’s University will be held in autumn 2018. The programme will cover a variety of subjects.

Our Children’s University provides a varied programme with many instructive subjects. A list of the topics for Fall Semester 2018 is included below. All the lectures (in German) will take place in Room 09-010 (Audimax) of the University of St.Gallen from 3.00- 3.45 p.m.

31 October 2018 (BOOKED UP):

Zaubermaschinen – eine Geschichte vom Roboter bis Harry Potter

Dozent: Professor Caspar Hirschi

7 November 2018:

Fröhlich oder traurig – was Gefühle mit uns machen

Dozent: Professor Jörg Metelmann

14 November 2018 (BOOKED UP):

Gehirntricks und wie wir sie zum Lernen nutzen können

Dozentin: Professorin Bernadette Dilger

21 November 2018:

Ich gehe einkaufen – wie werde ich behandelt?
Dozent: Professor Urs Fueglistaller

Admission is free

Admission to our lectures for the children is free, but registration is required. It is also possible for entire classes to be registered: please notify us of all the children’s first names/surnames, as well as of the first name/surname of the teacher. Please register online through our registration forms or by post to: Universität St.Gallen (HSG), Kinder-Uni, Dufourstrasse 50, 9000 St.Gallen. As a rule, the lectures are geared to primary school pupils of the third to sixth grades.

Changes to the Swiss TV licence fee: what you need to know

As of January 1st 2019, a new regime for Switzerland’s compulsory TV and radio licence fee will come into force. Here are the key points.

1) A compulsory, universal fee

As of 2019, all households in Switzerland will have to pay a TV and radio licence fee. This money is used to subsidise the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation and a range of private regional radio and TV channels.

Previously, only households with traditional devices like televisions and radios had to pay this fee. From next year, however, payment of the new ‘device-independent’ fee will be universal and compulsory. This is based on the idea that new technologies including smartphones, computers and tablets can also be used to watch television and listen to radio alongside traditional technologies.

2) A cheaper fee

In 2018, households had to pay a licence fee of 451 Swiss francs (€400) regardless of how many residents they have. From 2019, the new fee is 365 francs.

3) Very few exemptions

Currently, around 10 percent of Swiss households do not pay a licence fee. But that number is set to become a lot smaller in future as only households that can demonstrate they don’t have a television, radio, smartphone or other electronic device with internet access will be exempt.

Other exemptions cover households where at least one person is receiving extra pension (AHV/AVS) or disability insurance (IV/AI) support from their local commune. Diplomats are also exempt.

4) Two bills in 2019

To ensure a constant flow of money to broadcasters, the collection company SERAFE will divide Swiss households into 12 billing groups, with one group for each of the month of the year. For administrative reasons, most households will actually receive two bills in 2019 while the new system is being rolled out.

Swiss clocks go back one hour this Sunday 28th October


Early on Sunday 28 October 2018 Swiss clocks turn back one hour. Officially they are adjusted at 3am. This means you can stay in bed longer and it will be lighter when you get up. On the down side, it will be darker in the evenings.

The rest of Europe will adjust its clocks at the same time.

RepairBar in St Gallen on October 27th

Do you have an (electrical) device, a piece of furniture or a toy at home, which is important to you, but would need a repair 🔧? Then off to the repair bar the day after tomorrow Saturday, October 27, 2018, at the Kugl. Professionals give a new life to favorite items. Admission free, material costs according to consumption and for the volunteers a donation can be given. Note❗: We are still looking for a person with manual skills in the field of mechanical / electronic equipment to jump in as a repairman – food and many thanks are guaranteed.