From 10.-20. January 2019 Lucerne becomes a luminous meeting place. The festival of light brings light and warmth to the city in the cold season.

For the first time in Lucerne, national and international artists present the multifaceted and fascinating facets of light. Experience the light art objects on a winter walk through Lucerne. From 6 pm to 10 pm, places, sights and alleys in the old town and around the lake basin will be put in the right light.

The glittering highlight of the Lilu is the light show Genesis in the Hofkirche

Nature with Lego Bricks in Lugano

An award-winning LEGO® exhibition, made exclusively with LEGO® bricks by the artist Sean Kenney.

2 million colored LEGO® pieces make up 35 animal sculptures with heights up to 3 meters! Just as LEGO® bricks fit together to create a big sculpture, everything in nature is connected in an intricate balance of relationships: NATURE WITH LEGO® BRICKS tells the beauty of nature!

Mo-Fr 1:00pm-7:00pm
Sa-Su and Holidays 10:00am-8:00pm



Immerse yourself in the magic of Christmas in the ambience of the Winter Wonderland and paint your own personal Chlausebickli under the guidance of your guide. Take the time and decorate your own Chlausebickli with your children – joy and enjoyment are guaranteed!


Im Ambiente des Winterwunderlandes tauchen Sie ein in den Weihnachtszauber und malen unter Anleitung Ihr ganz persönliches Chlausebickli. Nehmen Sie sich die Zeit und verzieren Sie mit Ihren Kindern eigene Chlausebickli – Freude und Genuss sind garantiert!

Swiss health insurance deductibles to be locked in for 3 years

One way to reduce the cost of compulsory Swiss health insurance is to choose a high deductible. Currently, some people do this and then postpone treatment until they’ve switched to a lower deductible the following year.

Recently, Switzerland’s parliament voted 113 against 60 in favour of locking in deductibles for three years to reduce this practice of switching deductibles from year to year. Going forward, it will be possible to switch insurers every year but not the level of deductible, which will be fixed for three years.

The change is expected to cut healthcare costs by CHF 5 million.

Those in favour of the change argue that it will encourage people to think twice before going to hospital with minor ailments, and reduce the incentive to game the system by postponing treatment and switching deductibles.

Those against the change argue it will increase costs over the long run because people will avoid early treatment, which will aggravate health problems making them costlier to treat over the long run.

In addition, deductible increases will become automatic. When the average annual health cost exceeds 13 times the basic deductible, currently CHF 300, deductibles will automatically rise by CHF 50.

6th December – St Nikolaus is coming!

Tomorrow, the traditional Chlausritt will take place in St.Gallen. With lots of chlausen, horses and angels!

Am 6. Dezember kommen die Samichläuse, Pferde, Ponys und Engel in die Stadt St. Gallen.

Das ist die Route:

  1. Multertor Globus
  2. Multergasse, Fielmann
  3. Spisergasse, beim Brunnen
  4. Marktplatz Bohl
  5. Bärenplatz, Zoli Bolli
  6. Klosterviertel, Weihnachtsbau
  7. Grüningerplatz
  8. Gallusplatz
  9. Neugasse, Bäckerei Schwyter
  10. Multergasse, beim Marronistand
  11. St. Galler KB, roter Platz
  12. Vadianplatz, beim Neumarkt 3