The weekend’s voting results

The vote was launched by the youth wing of the Green party and aimed to cut back the amount of land available for construction.

The government and parliament both urged its rejection, saying it was too restrictive and would force up property prices.

In the end, it was a resounding defeat with over 60% rejecting it as well as all the cantons. The Green Party says it is disappointed, but at least it triggered a debate.

In the cantonal votes we’re following.

In Geneva, a new law to secure the canton’s secularist position was approved. The canton has had a separation of church and state since 1907.

The new law is highly contentious with a late added clause which bans cantonal workers who deal with the public to wear religious symbols. Opponents claim this unfairly targets Islamic women who wear a veil or hijab.

It also means money given in a voluntary religious tax which has been given in the past to the three main churches will now be spread to all faiths. It was passed by 55% of voters.

In Zurich, a referendum to stop a new law on water quality passed. In the end around 70% said no to updating the law which campaigners claim could have led to the privatization of water companies.

In Sankt Gallen voters gave a resounding go ahead to new IT education campaign, by 70%.

The canton will spend CHF 75m over the next eight years to upgrade IT systems in schools and boost IT knowledge. The plan had already been unanimously approved by the cantonal parliament.

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