winterthurer frauenlauf on 3rd July

A day just for women

Scientific studies have shown that women are the decision makers in the family. Movement is the best and cheapest prevention to stay healthy and achieve optimum health.

Sign you up for the following events:

  • 5 km & 10km run
  • 5 km & 10 km Nordic Walking
  • 5 km walking without poles, ramblers, runners enjoyment

our common goal

Therefore, it is our common goal to motivate origin, health condition and social status of the Winterthur Frauenlauf as many women of all ages. Thereby it should be possible to attract many women and families and set an important impulse for the start of a new movement career.

Without women nothing works!

Whether Running Queen, casual jogger, walker or hanger-on, the Winterthur Frauenlauf all women are winners. Participate in the joint motion, but take some time for yourself and appreciate what women do in everyday life.

HoliFestivals Zurich 25 June

Throughout the summer and winter we have toured almost through all European countries, as well as UAE, South Africa, Peru, Argentina, Mexico, El Salvador, Australia and many more. We have improved from show to show – so that we are now, after almost 1,500. 000 visitors – a TRULY UNFORGETTABLE, IMPRESSIVE SHOW that will provide you with a new story, huge stage, bombastic days effect. Be curious and look forward to a unique experience!
