winterthurer frauenlauf on 3rd July

A day just for women

Scientific studies have shown that women are the decision makers in the family. Movement is the best and cheapest prevention to stay healthy and achieve optimum health.

Sign you up for the following events:

  • 5 km & 10km run
  • 5 km & 10 km Nordic Walking
  • 5 km walking without poles, ramblers, runners enjoyment

our common goal

Therefore, it is our common goal to motivate origin, health condition and social status of the Winterthur Frauenlauf as many women of all ages. Thereby it should be possible to attract many women and families and set an important impulse for the start of a new movement career.

Without women nothing works!

Whether Running Queen, casual jogger, walker or hanger-on, the Winterthur Frauenlauf all women are winners. Participate in the joint motion, but take some time for yourself and appreciate what women do in everyday life.

Migros Summer Abo

Bikini figure, sixpack or you just want to get fit. No matter what’s still missing for the perfect summer, with the Migros Fitness Summer SUBSCRIPTION you will be able to reach your goal. For only just CHF 199.00 you enjoy full freedom and can exercise and relax at all eleven locations. And the summer!
You can buy the subscription until June 30, 2016 and it will be valid for 3 months. Earliest start of training is 1 June 2016. Latest training start is July 1, 2016th.

Swiss vote on proposal to give basic income to every adult and child

Scheme which could give 2,500 Swiss francs (£1,765) a month to each adult is derided by some as ‘Marxist dream’

Switzerland is voting on Sunday on a radical proposal to provide the entire population with enough money to live on.
Voters are being asked whether they want all Swiss citizens, along with foreigners who have been resident in Switzerland for at least five years, to receive an unconditional basic income, or UBI.
Supporters say providing such an income would help fight poverty and inequality in a world where good jobs with steady salaries are becoming harder to find.
The idea is controversial, to say the least. The Swiss government and nearly all the country’s political parties have urged voters to reject the initiative – advice which 71% are inclined to follow, according to the latest poll.
Critics have called the initiative “a Marxist dream”, warning of sky-high costs and people quitting their jobs in droves, to the detriment of the economy.

“If you pay people to do nothing, they will do nothing,” said Charles Wyplosz, economics professor at the Geneva Graduate Institute.

Proponents reject that, arguing that people naturally want to be productive, and a basic income would simply provide them more flexibility to choose the activities they find most valuable.
Proponents reject that, arguing that people naturally want to be productive, and a basic income would simply provide them more flexibility to choose the activities they find most valuable.
Ralph Kundig, one of the lead campaigners, said: “For centuries this has been considered a utopia, but today it has not only become possible, but indispensible.”
The amount to be paid has yet to be determined, but the non-political group behind the initiative has suggested paying 2,500 Swiss francs (£1,765) a month to each adult, and Fr625 (£445) for each child.
That may sound a lot, but it is barely enough to get by on in one of the world’s priciest nations – leaving plenty of incentive to work, campaigners say.

Authorities have estimated an additional Fr25bn (£17.6bn) would be needed annually to cover the costs, requiring deep spending cuts or significant tax hikes.

Supporters of the initiative, however, suggest that the UBI could replace a range of other expensive social assistance programmes and could be easily financed through slight increases in sales tax or through a small fee on electronic transactions.

There is little chance of the initiative passing, but Kundig said that “just getting a broad public debate started on this important issue is a victory”.